Some artworks...


Greetz from the Cheesecakeland

Who doesn't know the sweet and charming characters from Diddls Cheesecakeland? As a freelance charakter designer I am passionately expanding Diddl and his friend's world for about 1.5 vears now.



Freistil - Best of German Commercial Illustration

My appearance in the publication „Freistil – Best of German Commercial Illustration“, published by Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz, 2003, made me proud to know that I am officialy regarded as being one of the 175 best Commercial Illustrators from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


1. Places at International Caricature Contests (2004 - 2005)



The participation at the International Caricature Contests in Belgium (OpdeBeeck) and New Zealand (Od Studios) has convinced the international jury of renowned caricaturists from Europe, Asia and USA.

The caricature of „Mr. Bean“ (Belgium) and „Saddam Hussein“ (New Zealand) made it through a lot of great artwork entries and were voted with an outstanding number of points to the winner of the contest.





Are you interested in liveact drawing at your party?



Take a sneak preview into the illustration process!

The following animation gives you a quick motion example of the way I'm drawing. Start the animation by clicking on your favorite picture.

„Bruce Willis 4.1 “ (01:04')

„Surfer“ (00:49')

„Oldtimer“ (00:35')

„Moskito“ (00:14')

„Painter“ (00:19')


Mappenvorbereitung, Mappenvorbereitungskurs, Mappenvorbereitungskurse, Mappenkurs, Mappenkurse, Zeichenunterricht, Aufnahmeprüfung für Kommunikationsdesign, Grafikdesign, Produktdesign, Schmuckdesign, Architektur, Mode-, Fashiondesign

2004-2007 Alcis Szabo-Reiss | update 06.08.2007 | Imprint | e-mail | deutsch / english